I woke up, saw lovely blue sky instead of usual beauty of irish clouds and decided this is gonna be a good day! With a cup of coffee, unbrushed hair and slightly hungover with great memories from last night, I feel so inspired! This is a perfect moment to create a blog - place where I can share my designs and patterns and may be a little bit more of my world with people with the same interest and taste. But before we get to my work I want to tell you about people who inspired me.
Meet my lovely family:
I cannot mention anyone before my grandma Galina who put my first needles and crochet hooks in my arms at age 5! She is the most craziest knitter I have ever seen in action in my whole life! She is doing some crazy lace with all that counting and still is able to watch her soap-operas and explain my grandpa what's going on in the show (he has some hearing problems, so he says.. We caught him few times running from another rooms and complaining that he heard us having a drink and no-one invited him... She is definitely someone I look up to when it comes to knitting and crochet. There is some of the stuff she made for me:
And there is my Mommy. She is one hell of a designer! The things she does with sewing machine - I'm so jealous! I want to step into her brain and have a sneaky look where is that all coming from! I'll get there, she is giving me lessons at the moment! There is some of her work:
And my dear partner Matej. He is an amazing song writer, you can hear his songs on myspace Matej Barlok. His love and creativity influences me and makes me wanna do more and more! And his lovely parents Danka and Vladko. Such a lovely couple. Danka created this lovely jacket for our dearest daughter Amélie:
Ok, that's enough of yapping, it's time to do some work. Hope you'll enjoy my blog. Au revoir!